Makanak Band

Living Healing Villages

Communities within the Makanak build living villages to archive, preserve, and promote our Indigenous story (as opposed to being trapped in mischaracterized colonial history), language, traditions, spirituality, culture, education, health, social, and economic well-being of individuals and of the tribal community.  The villages by design utilize the medicine wheel philosophy, which according to some teaches that the four parts of each human being: physical, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual, are equally important and when balanced can create internal peace, harmony, and interconnectedness with the Creator.  The villages empower community and family members to find solutions for common problems, and implement healing solutions as way of life.  

Visitors who are granted access to stay at a village will be provided with a holistic approach to find their balance and a path to achieving self-sufficiency and financial autonomy.  The living / healing village staff will provide culturally responsive programs and education opportunities that benefit families and the community alike, including such activities as self-sustainment farming,  sweat lodges, Indigenous crafts, cooking, dancing, gardening, and  languages.  

With a firm foundation of community-based strategies, the villages will also promote balance through natural-pathetic remedies to emphasize the notion that a holistic perspective that is true to the nature of the Medicine Wheel.